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We’re super excited that MACH Exhibition 2024 is in two weeks. By now, you should have thought about how you intend on generating leads and sales at your exhibition. If you haven’t had the chance to read the last edition, click here.

So, what’s next on the agenda? Did you know, 80% of trade show leads are not followed up, and many of those that do take up to 50 days to do so. What a waste of time, money, and effort. Don’t be just another statistic, instead follow these 3 post-event strategies:

1. Set-up Auto Responds

A thank you goes a long way. But giving gratitude to everyone you’ve spoken to at MACH 2024 is a tedious task. Rather than doing it manually, use marketing automation to send personalised auto-responds to your leads, saying ‘Thanks! It was great to meet you’. Why not include content around the key highlights of the event to get them re-engaged?

2. Deliver Impactful, Targeted Content

Now you’ve got the leads, what do you do with them? How do you know if they’re ready to buy or where they are in your buying cycle? First off, and especially where multiple decision makers are involved, you need to create some buyer personas. This will help you identify your prospects pain-points, goals, and decision-triggers. With that information you can create targeted content that overcomes the obstacles between getting your product through the door. Content that answers their questions or solves their problems.

3. Activate the Buying Cycle

With your bank of content ready, use marketing automation to deliver it to the right person, at the right time. Marketing automation helps you understand where your prospects are within the buying cycle, marking them as hot, warm, or cold. With these behavioural insights you can deliver targeted content designed to push them through from ‘aware’ to ‘sold and serving’.

So that’s 3 strategies that can help you nurture leads after MACH 2024. For more ideas on exhibition tactics, download our Ultimate Checklist for Exhibition Success. It’s got everything you need to make real impact and deliver ROI.

Download our Ultimate Checklist for Exhibition Success

Thinking of exhibiting at MACH 2024 but don’t know where to start?

Download our Ultimate Checklist for Exhibition Success for a step-by-step guide and stand out from the crowd, attract engaged visitors, and generate quality leads.

Download our ultimate checklist for exhibition success at any trade show

Need a hand?

Over the past 16 years we’ve worked with industrial brands and delivered some fantastic exhibitions. Exhibitions that took place all over the world within a variety of B2B industries. Whether you’re launching a new product, reinforcing your brand in the market, or simply want to make new connections, our team of exhibition experts are here to help. Fill out our form below to get started.

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